Sunday, April 5, 2009

thanks steffi soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much for helping me create the skin yeah! the rest of u!! dont ask me change anymore! PLEASEEEE! hoho!
FRIDAY~~ hmm.. normal school day? haha. had netball!!:D OH-SO-TIRING! haha.then went to cl:) hmmmmm. it was alrightyyy!
sat~~ went cat class. soooo poorthing. nat had to do 100 plus push up:( so bad lo. he was like damndamndamn tired. then at night had cl again. haha. funfun. then after cl went mobil. allysa took igz cookies. so bad right. then he was like? idk. haha.
today!!! haha. had cl was again!!! haha. it was ok:) im no longer narrator! hoho! cause i never pronounce my words properly.haha. not surprise! i ALWAYS mumble:P then 70m-ed home with some cl people. so sad lo. on the bus right,i discovered i had no keys! haiiiyoooooo! then also had no money. tsktsk. so i broke in once again!! haha. then now im msning!! with my baby!!(huilin) affy!and jolene! hahaha. sooo funny! baby keep drawing each other. HOHO. uber cute and fuunnnyyy! tammy is th papa! hoho!
tiredtired. need sleep! tomorow got netball!!:D not physical! hahahahhahaha!. yayayay!


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